About Us

Both biological sex and socio-cultural gender roles are important variables in biomedical research and clinical medicine. Men and women differ not only in terms of the incidence of diseases and the age of onset, but also with regard to the course of the disease and the response to different therapies. The underlying causes of gender differences and their pathophysiological relevance as well as the consistent adaptation of prevention and therapy measures are increasingly becoming the focus of current research activities. The explosive nature of this topic in medicine is also demonstrated by the fact that the DFG now makes the awarding of funding dependent on the integration of gender and diversity aspects in basic and translational research projects. Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go before gender aspects are sufficiently taken into account in biomedical research and clinical medicine. Apart from research activities, this will only be achieved through the consistent integration of the cross-sectional subject “gender-specific medicine” into the basic teaching of medical studies, medicine-related courses and training as well as further training measures.


  • Provide gender-sensitive medical expertise in research projects, collaborative research, program planning, implementation and evaluation.
  • Research the interrelationships between the complex interdependencies of gender-sensitive aspects and health opportunities and risks and develop a comprehensive picture and understanding of the interrelationships
  • Establish research projects and networks with national and international cooperation partners
    design an inter- and transdisciplinary curriculum for gender-sensitive medicine that combines undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral studies
  • Successive inclusion of further aspects of diversity in medicine